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Feb.3rd.2025 Message From Greg
Good morning,
Breath deep and please rest assured LogoWest will help your brand navigate the current hiccup we are having with our friends in the U.S. And I do mean friends as Elaine and I have many American friends and LogoWest in its 25+ years of business has called on many of our over 10,000 U.S. supplier friends to supply us with your quality promos.
Many of our U.S. suppliers are supporting Canadian distributors. Needless to say we have your back and so do the over 2,000 Canadian Adverstising Specialty businesses that will not be affected by the tariffs(geez it seems to be getting old already). As in all our businesses we will be doing our research making sure we are competitive and be there for you throughout this mess, commerce will not stop. Below is just a taste of who we have relied on and will continue to work with in the coming days….weeks and that should be enough time to figure this out, drinkwear, clothing, safety wear, gifting, pens, pencils. Just call us, LogoWest, You and Canadians are resilient, just another blip in the scheme of things,
Best Day Ever,
Enjoy yours,

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