Importance of Board Member Gifts

Often we critique board members’ performance and question their commitment, if not to their organizations’ missions, then to their roles. While it’s critically important to assess their individual and collective performance and promote continuous improvement, board members also deserve our thanks.

Gifts can be effective when chosen properly and presented well. Anything that makes board members feel their time and ideas are valued can inspire gratitude. Putting together something like a personalized logo and incorporating it into a gift on a box of sweets, can be a great way to show them you appreciate their hard work and effort.

If you are looking to go a little more extravagent you can always do a bit of reasearch into your board of directors and really hone in on things they love. For example, if one of the board memebers happens to be an avid golfer, why not get them a personalized golfing set or atire? Or for the tech savvy board memeber, something more along the lines of an e-reader or tablet. Another great idea for gifts, especially if a milestone is coming, can be a commerative plaque or trophy, or an ingraved watch for example are all fantastic ideas to show your appreciation.

At LogoWest, we strive to make sure your company employees get the recognition they deserve no matter how big or how small the event will be. We are constantly pushing to provide the best in quality for our awards and hope to be your number one choice for your next recognition endeavour.

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