Why You Should Choose An Awards Program For Your Company

The process with LogoWest is simple, easy and we will work within your budget. Whether you are a large corporate conglomerate or a small local business, LogoWest promotional products has options that can be tailored specifically to your company needs. Everyone deserves recognition for their hard work and for their years of dedication to your company. Why not participate in a program where you can create your own digital or printable catalog for your employees to look through so they can choose an item that best suits their lifestyle. For the chef - why not some snazzy kitchen appliances or knive sets? For the handyman - why not some power tools or even a fishing rod for relaxation time? Do you have tech savvy employees? How about a console? Tablet? Gaming headset? The options with LogoWest are truly endless. If you have ideas already - send them over and LogoWest Promotional Products will work with our trusted suppliers to find the products you are looking for.

Breakdown of How The Page Can Look

1) At the top of the page LogoWest will have your company logo displayed

2) Sample Products - these are just some of the ideas LogoWest can provide for award products. You can provide LogoWest with a list of products and your budget and we will create a sample for you based off of your set monetary value
- for example 5 years of service could have a monetary value of $100.00 - meaning all awards within this category would be within a $100.00 value.

3) Order Form - once you have selected your option for your award, you would simply fill out the form as directed and it will be sent to LogoWest and the Key Program Coordinator for your company so all parties know what has been ordered and whom it is for.

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